why you stupid trick azz hoe skeezerslut skank motherfuckers. i leave the blog for 1 year and the whole world goes apeshit. polar ice caps start melting. scientistfolks clone dick cheney. christina ricci gets a eating disorder and her boobies shrink. and a MOTHEREFFEN PINKBERRY ON EVERY BLOCK. well this has simply GOT TO STOP! yes, you can all pull your headz out your asses cuz shig macbatches is back to save you all. but first i gotta get shit off my chest.
GODDAMNSUNZABITCHMOTHERFUCKSHITASSHOLECUNTPUSSYSCROTALFUCKENEGGSACSHITBAG MOTHERFUCKEN NEW KAJU MARKET ON 5TH AND WESTERN!!!!!! alright look. affirmirmative action bibbity bobbity boo yeah whatever. go ahead and post all your sale signs in korean. go head and meanmug a shig at the checkout. go head and run your freezer section at -273kelvin subarctic motherfucken freeezing ass ice cold shit. but look. first of all, YOUR BEER SECTION IS WARM. WARM MOTHERFUCKERZZZ! SHIKIYA HANKOOK SHITFUCKS! how u gon have a rockhard frozen stouffeurs bibimbap and a warm beer? and you know what? im not even mad about that. my real problem is your dumpling section. i mean, ok, freeze them shits till their fossilized. i dont care. but can i please get a mothereffen mushroom dumpling? everytime i go to the dumpling section you got all them shits thrown in there willy nilly. mixed around. upside down. aint never a package of dumplings in the same place twice. the fuck is this shit? a mothereffen sudoku puzzle you bitches? and you buy like 100 different varieties of dumpling from another 100 manufacturers. and ALL THE SIGNS ARE IN KOREAN!!!!!! i mean, go head and leave them shits in korean, i dont care. but whatever is korean for "mushroom dumpling" please for the love of korean jesus actually put the fucken mushroom dumplings there. dont move them on me. i spent a half hour sorting through them shits. like you know when its the nordstroms half yearly mens sale and they just set up a card table and splay out polo socks on that shit and you got 1 grey sock and you diggin around thru that shit looking for its homeboy. you know how frustrating that shit is? but that shit is on sale. not some $5 or maybe $4 or maybe $6.99 sack o dumplings. I DONT KNOW CUZ ITS IN KOREAN! oh christ. i was gonna slap the bosco cakes lady on the way out just for kicks. lucky for her i am a motherfucken gentleman. i swear to god they are lucky theres the korean mcgriddle van out front. calms the soul.
in closing, id like to forgive new kaju cuz im real jesus like that. and try the mcgriddle truck out front. and you fanboys, dont just stroke my dick, cup my fucken balls too you ungrateful assplugs. i love you all.
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